
Setting Boundaries in Relationships

Setting Boundaries in Relationships

Spending time with the people we care about most can be incredibly rewarding as well as improve our emotional and physiological well-being. But when we start feeling uncomfortable in relationships, it can be hard to set some distance.

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Blossoming into Spring

Blossoming into Spring

As winter comes to a close, and the beginning of spring approaches, we can look at the changing seasons as a way to check in with ourselves.

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Living with Intention

Living with Intention

Living with intention allows us to experience more joy, purpose, and meaning in our lives. To live with intention is to align our behaviors with our values. When our actions and values are not in alignment, we may experience dissatisfaction, discomfort, and unease. A lack of intention in our lives can also result in stress, leading to psychological distress and poor health. So, how do we live our lives with intention?

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What is Shame?

What is Shame?

Shame is one of the most uncomfortable feelings we can experience as humans. Shame makes us feel simultaneously too small and too big – we feel unworthy and insignificant, but also exposed and wishing we could disappear. In order to overcome shame, we must first understand what shame is, where it comes from, and why it affects us so deeply.

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The Benefits of Silent Retreats

The Benefits of Silent Retreats

Finding our inner calm and peace can be difficult in a world full of noisy distractions. Participating in a silent retreat allows us to take the time and make space to hear our own thoughts, gain clarity and understanding, and deepen our relationships with ourselves and others. We are then invited to carry the benefits of silent retreats into our everyday lives.

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No Mud, No Lotus: A Tribute to Thich Nhat Hanh

No Mud, No Lotus: A Tribute to Thich Nhat Hanh

With aching feet, I continued my steep climb up one of Guilin’s many peaks along the Li River. I didn’t set out that morning from my dorm to climb a mountain, but I suppose the mountain decided that today was the day we would meet. 

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Mental Wellness & Peace of Mind During the Holidays

Mental Wellness & Peace of Mind During the Holidays

The holiday season during this time of the year can bring moments of joy and celebration whether you are celebrating Christmas, Khushyali, Chanukah, Diwali, Yule, Kwanzaa, New Year’s, being alive, or anything else. However, it can also be a time of stress and grief where gatherings may be extra challenging due to the pandemic.

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The Seasons of Life: Growing and Letting Go

The Seasons of Life: Growing and Letting Go

As we feel the air get colder and watch the leaves change colors and eventually fall to the earth, we are also moving and cycling through seasons in our own lives. The seasons of our lives don’t necessarily align in real time with the seasons in nature. At the time of this writing, it is autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Southern Hemisphere is experiencing spring. But what season are you experiencing in your life?

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International Mindfulness Teachers Association
Center for Mindful Self-Compassion
Verified by Psychology Today
International Mindfulness Teachers Association
Center for Mindful Self-Compassion
Verified by Psychology Today